Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Adventuring with Fly #2a! Fly's Journey to My-Face! (76)

Fly woke up one morning to find that his trunk had been transformed. He had a feeling he had an adventure on his ears, which called for a logbook. This is the logbook Fly kept:

Day 1, Entry 1: Today I woke up and my trunk had been turned into a neon indigo sphube. I reluctantly went to Dr. Kaat's tower because he's the only doctor in Weeble-Wooble. His diagnosis was Nebluhy and he said the only cure is a magical cheese from a planet called My-Face. I'm currently on my way to Spork's office to make sure Dr. Kaat is telling the truth.

Day 1, Entry 2: Spork says everything checks out. She let me borrow her compass rose because apparently pancakes don't have enough power to travel interstellar by themselves. Spork told me that if I didn't want to spend 3701 months in interstellar space, I'm going to need laser toast. I told her that I didn't have any and she explained that dirt works just as well. I plan to zoodle* this afternoon.

Day 1, Entry 3: I got hungry and ate the pancakes. Yeah. I'll order some more in a couple days once I get my octodaily duck shipment from Chalk Expedition Foundation Corp. Inc.

Day 4, Entry 1: I got my duck shipment and my pancakes. I'm ready to zoodle. 7279...656...38...7...purple...ZOODLE!!

Day 4, Entry 2: I've been zoodling for about 5 hours now. All I've seen so far is stars, pumpkins, and pineapples.

Day 6: I just passed a UFO. I think I saw a buffalo piloting it, with a sentient lamp by its side. I also think I might already be starting to go space-crazy.

Day 9: I'm still zoodling through space. Nothing new to report except a time-travelling spoon, two lightsabers fighting each other with humans, a giant berrystraw (a straw made of various exotic berries), two superdupercomputers having a staring contest, a keyboard playing a cat, and a cult of sentient grapes. Needless to say, it's been a boring, uneventful couple of days.

Day 15, Entry 1: I'm almost there! I can see My-Face!

Day 15, Entry 2: My brake was just stolen by the time-travelling spoon! I can't slow down! I'm gonna cra-

Is Fly okay? Find out next week!

*Zoodling is when you travel somewhere via pancakes.

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