Wednesday, October 24, 2018

ULTRA STORY! The Beginning of Weeble-Wooble (🌽)

NOTE: This post is not canon, as indicated by its post number being a food.

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, there were cats! And from those cats, sprung Roshan, the spirit of Weeble-Wooble. Roshan looked like a panther with the hindquarters of a dragon, and he loved each and every one of the cats as if they were his own children

But one day, the cats started getting bored. They didn't really like floating around in space. It was very uncomfortable, and they were always bumping into each other. So, in order to cure the cats' boredom, Roshan created a new creature: a Dragon named Phil Sr. (The father of the Yahtzee-playing dragon who currently watches over Weeble-Wooble.) 

The cats were amazed by this new creature; he was completely different from them! He had wings, horns, scaly skin, and he could breathe fire! What's not to love! But the best part was that Phil had a huge bag of dice! Three-sided, four-sided, any kind of dice you could ever want! The cats loved to play with these dice; Roshan did too. In fact, he had a favorite die: the incredible twelve-sided die. Phil knew that Roshan loved this die (and he wanted to repay him for bringing him to life) so Phil let Roshan keep the die, and wouldn't let the cats touch it.

Roshan saw the cats were happy with their new best friend and all of his dice, so he decided to take a rest for a while. He put himself on his die, and fell asleep. When he did this, the die became huge! So big that millions of other cats could have fit on it. Phil still enjoyed floating around in space, so he grew along with the dice, so their sizes were proportional with each other. The cats did not change size, and decided to live on the die forever. They made small towns, and called the lands that they lived on Weeble-Wooble. 

But without RoshanPhil Sr. soon became lonely, and was starting to get bored of the cats, so he decided to make a friend for himself. Since Roshan had done it with him, it couldn't be that hard, right? Phil used every ounce of power in his being to create Norrix, now known as The Ultimate Weird. Norrix looked a lot like a humongous Gila monster, but he had the horns of a rhino, the tail of a scorpion, and the spines of a porcupine. Despite his appearance, Phil liked Norrix, and the two soon became great friends.

As their time together went on, Phil couldn't help noticing that Norrix could be a little strange sometimes. He had a habit of creating small creatures of his own, and then changing them into something else. He would do this for hours on end, until the creature he made was in an endless state of change and could never revert back to its original formWhile this wasn't something that Phil particularly liked, he still wanted to remain friends with Norrix, so he ignored it.

However, one day Norrix went too far with his 'habit'. While Phil was asleep, Norrix kidnapped a cat from Weeble-Wooble and started changing it. It was almost to the point where it would never stop changing, when Roshan jumped off of Weeble-Wooble and tackled Norrix. The cat fell out of Norrix's hand and fell back down to its town. However, the cat was still changed when it fell. At this point, the cat looked something like a snake with wings.

Roshan took all of the other dice (which were floating around Weeble-Wooble), and imbued them with magic to create a prison deep underground for Norrix. The Dark Weird that Norrix had used to change the cat was irreversible, so the winged snake created a race of weird upon the face of Roshan's beloved land. 

Having used all of his power to imprison Norrix, Roshan fell back to Weeble-Wooble and died soon after, his Light Weird essence draining into the ground to keep Norrix from ever returning to power. One day, Roshan would be reincarnated into an even more powerful version of himself, one that could defeat Norrix once and for all. Some of the Light Weird where Roshan perished formed into a weapon powerful enough to destroy Norrix. A labyrinth was constructed around this site, which can only be navigated through by the reincarnation of Roshan.

The End