Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Dawge #28! Windy 6423 edition! (30)

Dear readers, I am glad to be back. Remembering to write a new post every Tuesday got harder. I also had writer's block for a while. But now, I present to you ... Weeble-Wooble's annual race! The Windy 6423!

Every year in September, Weeble-Wooble has a race called the Windy 6423! Creatures and inanimate objects from all over their dodecahedron-shaped world get a car (or anything else really, the rules aren't too specific) and compete to get the amazing doughnut trophy! 

There are five competitors in the race. This year, our racers are Bob, with a lamp-shaped car in remembrance of Jim; Dawge, on the back of an albino war gorilla; Fly, riding underneath the magically-floating-sun-disk-of-Ra; Goat, in his backhoe house; Spork, riding her compass rose that she stole from Abraham Lincoln; and Dragon, driving a Chevy Equinox. Find out how they do next week!