Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Dawge #39! Dragon and The George! (45)

Dragon had recently been knighted in Mouse City for baking the greatest shnahzberry muffins in existence. To stay a knight, Dragon had to defeat one evil monster a year. For his first monster, Dragon had decided to defeat The George. The George was a small jellyfish-shaped creature made out of taxidermy sardines The thing that made him evil was that he pirated Marvel movies constantly! 

Dragon prepared to fight The George by donning his cheese armor and sharpening his battleaxe. He entered The George's cave, lifted his axe, and sat down to play Magic The Gathering. When he won, The George turned into an inanimate lump of prunes. Dragon had defeated his first evil monster!

                      The End

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Super Dawg #6! Super Dawg vs Dr. Kaat! (Again) (44)

WARNING: This story uses several large and confusing words. For your convenience, there is a glossary to explain what these words mean.

The past few weeks had been boring for Super Dawg. All he had to do was rescue a couple cats from trees and help old people. After you help Mr. Hingletopper cross the road for the 50th time, it gets really boring. 

On the other hand, Dr. Kaat was working tirelessly in his lab. He had started making a collage of pictures from his vacation to Italy, when it somehow gained sentience, and turned into a vaguely bear-shaped colloid. Dr. Kaat named it Shlurpy and taught it to hate Super Dawg. After a few days, he let Shlurpy out of his lab, trusting that he would find and destroy Super Dawg. He didn't. Shlurpy found bunnies very interesting and followed on into the forest to live happily ever after.


Colloid: A colloid is a gel-like substance.

Sentience: Sentience is the ability to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Dawge #38! Dawge's Guide To Boat-Making! (43)

Dear Readers, I was able to escape the Time-Space Law Enforcement much quicker that I thought. From now on I will post on every Tuesday that I can.

Dawge's Guide to Boat-Making:
Step 1: Prepare five servings of latkes.
Step 2: Convince a choir of squirrels to sing "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson.
Step 3: Feed the latkes to the squirrel choir.
Step 4: Play checkers for fifteen minutes.
Step 5: Have a diving contest against the squirrels.
Step 6: Help an old man cross a street that you made with the squirrels.
Step 7: Register yourself as Pro-Squirrel.
Step 8: Vote for Chubby McBushytail in every election. 
Step 9: Join the protest for squirrel rights.
Step 10: Become a squirrel using the wonders of technology.

And last but not least;

Step 13: Buy a speed boat.