Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Characters #2 (15)

Since I've been adding some more characters, I think that I need to explain who is what. 

Dawge: A mutated catfish with robotic arms and either robotic legs, or a floating chair/bucket.

Goat: A snake that lives in an abandoned backhoe. 

Dragon: A fire-breathing mouse with a thimble for a hat.

Fly: An elephant with anxiety issues.

Bob: A flea with a pet lamp named Jim.

Irammi: A tall owl with a propeller beanie.

Spork: That squirrel with the weird ring-tone from the Super Dawg post.

There you have it! Those were the characters of Weeble-Wooble. Let me know if I forgot anyone. Comment if you have any ideas for future characters, or if I should cut some.

Dawge! #17 (14)

Instead of playing baseball with bats, the people of Weeble-Wooble play pancake with kielbasas.

The amazing writer, Aardvark Q. Pook, made thousands of bee beards.

Dawge's shower curtain is covered in tiny, little harpsichords.

To ski jump, or not to wear crocks?