Thursday, February 8, 2018

Dawge #37! Fly's Expedition Part 2 (42)

I'm sorry that I didn't post this sooner! I had forgotten what day it was. But now, I present you with.... Fly's Expedition Part 2!

Fly dropped his notebook when he saw the ghost of Benjamin Franklin walk through the cave entrance holding a flamethrower. Fly and his crew looked astonished. 

Fly broke the silence by saying, "W-what? How?" 

Benjamin simply answered, "I heard the commotion and decided to investigate. I saw you in trouble and I want to help. As I've said before, 'We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately'."

Fly was still confused but thought that he should just accept Ben's help rather than question it. He peeked through the vines and saw the lemon monsters searching around outside the cave. Benjamin looked out too and gave everyone a weapon. Fly got a scimitar, Bill got a pair of nunchucks, and Joe got seventeen sticks of dynamite. Fly counted to three and they all jumped out of the cave to attack the lemons. Luck favored them because the lemons were extremely combustible! When Ben would get one with his flamethrower, it would burst into flames! 

Before long, the lemons started to run back into the ocean. Fly was about to start celebrating when a humanoid killer whale leaped out of the water! Fly was so shocked that a lemon bit off his trunk. Thankfully though, lemons have healing saliva so the wound closed up instead of bleeding. After that it was all a blur. The only thing that Fly could remember was Super Dawg taking the unconscious killer whale away.

When Fly was home, Dragon made him a sort-of prosthetic trunk that was like a Swiss Army knife on his face!

                                              The End