Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Dawge #38! Dawge's Guide To Boat-Making! (43)

Dear Readers, I was able to escape the Time-Space Law Enforcement much quicker that I thought. From now on I will post on every Tuesday that I can.

Dawge's Guide to Boat-Making:
Step 1: Prepare five servings of latkes.
Step 2: Convince a choir of squirrels to sing "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson.
Step 3: Feed the latkes to the squirrel choir.
Step 4: Play checkers for fifteen minutes.
Step 5: Have a diving contest against the squirrels.
Step 6: Help an old man cross a street that you made with the squirrels.
Step 7: Register yourself as Pro-Squirrel.
Step 8: Vote for Chubby McBushytail in every election. 
Step 9: Join the protest for squirrel rights.
Step 10: Become a squirrel using the wonders of technology.

And last but not least;

Step 13: Buy a speed boat.

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