Friday, April 26, 2019

Super Dawg #7! Party Bus in Paris! (90)

Our favorite toaster-suit wearing, crime-fighting catfish, Super Dawg was patrolling the streets of Paris as he always does. He'd had a wonderful evening of enchantment, magic, and flaming baby cannons. 

He was about to head over to Zac Efron's house for a good old game of hopscotch, when he saw Madagascar over the horizon! We all know that Madagascar and France is not a good mix, so Super Dawg went over to shoo the island away gently. But when he got there, it wasn't Madagascar after all! It was actually a party bus! 

Before Super Dawg could do anything, the gorillas from the bus had tied him up, stuffed him in a jar of pickles, and locked him in a literal cage of resentment. He tried to escape, but gorillas are the best knot-tiers in the world! If there were gorillas around when Houdini was alive, he would have never stood a chance.

The more Super Dawg struggled, the flimsier the ropes became. He struggled and struggled and struggled some more, until the ropes finally lept off of him like really noodley ballerinas! The moment he was free, some ducks came at him with everything they had, and boy were they steamed. They were the masterminds of this operation, after all.

Thankfully, ducks are no match for the duck food-flinging prowess of Super Dawg! After the ducks had failed, it looked like everything was safe, but then came the actual Madagascar! It picked up on of the many ocean liners lying around and tickled all the remaining animals in Paris with it. 

Super Dawg stood up and dusted himself off. He saluted Madagascar for its bravery and Madagascar saluted back. The island then sunk back into the ocean and back to where it belonged: Kansas.

And, again, the day was saved by Madagascar!

The End

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