Friday, February 8, 2019

Spork, Private Eye #3! Dishonest Abe Strikes Back (69)

Spork was at the bagpipe ranch, feeding and petting the bagpipes. Her phone started ringing, she answered it, 

"Spork, private eye speaking. How can I help?" Asked Spork. 

"Yes, hello? Spork, private eye? I need your help!" Cried the scared voice over the phone.

"What can I help you with, sir?" She asked. 

"Well," Said the person over the phone, "A thief just robbed my pet! Poor little Jorge. All without his hamster ball!" 

Spork was surprised. "I'm on my way. What does the thief look like?" 

He said, "It was tall, looked like a raccoon mixed with a sock, and it was Abraham Lincoln." 

Spork nearly dropped her jar of jellybeans the second she heard the name of her arch-nemesis.

 "I'll be right there." Spork said. She put down her phone and started to glide. She soon found a tall, black rock to rest on. The rock started moving. Then she realized that this was no rock at all, it was Abraham Lincoln's hat! 

"Well, well, well. Hello, Spork." Lincoln said. He brushed Spork off to the ground. 

"Abe," She said, "Why did you steal that"

"Krill! I'm a krill!" Said the krill that she was talking to earlier. 

"Oh, okay," Said Spork,  "Abe, why did you steal that nice krill's hamster ball?"

Lincoln laughed manically. "Oh, you know why, Spork!" 

Spork looked confused, "No, I don't know. That's why I asked."

Lincoln said, "Grr! Eat exercise balls!" A million exercise balls came bouncing out from under his hat. "Exercise balls, squash her!" Cried Abe.

Oh snap. Thought Spork, Well, here are my plans: A; I glide away, B; I go hide in Lincoln's hat, or C; I face a very painful defeat. 

Spork thought about her plans. Then, it hit her like a ton of pounds. Of course! How could I be so blind?!

Spork ran off. Abe and the exercise balls were momentarily confused. Spork came back with a large, lovely couch, a chair, and a notebook. 

"Okay," She said, confidently, "Who would like to go first?" 

A green exercise ball came bounding up. 

"Come," She called, "Sit." The exercise ball came and sat on the couch. 

"So, let's start with what your problem is. Is it work?" She asked calmly. Soon she had done therapy with all the exercise balls. 

All the exercise balls were happy, they bounced forever together, making wonderful choices and spreading cheer. As for Spork and Abe, they will always be at each others throats forever. In fact, they probably will fight again soon! But that's a story for another time.

The End

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