Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The New Characters of 2018! (63)

As you've seen there are many characters in AoD, and there will be more to come. So, we're going to give a list of the new recurring characters each year in the first post of January. So, without further ado, behold the glory of The New Characters of 2018!

Qaat (pronounced Cat): 
An evil dogfish who wants to destroy Super Dawg(and Dawge). He is also known as Dr Kaat.

The power-fluff gerbils: 
Betty is one of the three members of the power-fluff gerbils. She is a genetically mutated gerbil with the ability to fly, shoot lasers from her cheeks, and has incredible strength. She is smart and thinks before doing things. She also is known to boss her sisters around. 
Floofers is one of the three members of the power-fluff gerbils. She has the same powers as her sister. She is a little rude and always acts before thinking. She also is known to annoy her sisters for no reason. Last, but DEFINITELY NOT least, 
Not-Betty is one of the three members of the power-fluff gerbils. Yet again she has the same powers. She is kind and as sweet as candy, and she also loves humans. They are her favourite animal.

The Cryptozoologists:
The two cryptid enthusiasts that join Fly in most of his endeavors are Bill and Joe. But they're pretty boring, so... Moving on!

The great and merciful fish god! Generally depicted as a rooster fish who wears a long white flowing robe. He's a benevolent ruler over fishkind (except for Qaat, since we all hate him) as seen in Dawge #48 when he sends Dawge back to Weeble-Wooble after he is killed by a fisherman.

The Ghost of Abraham Lincoln: 
Spork calls him Dishonest Abe. He is Spork's sworn arch-enemy because she stole from him. Abe has been seen summoning exercise balls at will. This might be a power, or he was just carrying them at the time. Either way, he's a bad guy.

The Ghost of Benjamin Franklin:
Ben is the same as his old, living self. He's nice, honest, and inventive. He is often seen wielding a flame thrower, but no one knows why or how he has it.

President Bubblehead: 
A rather fat man who sounds like an old British woman with a cold, and has a large bubble for a head. He used to be Mr. Bubblehead, until he won the Weeble-Wooblian presidential debate against a cow.

A caveman from one of those caveman time period things. No one knows how he came to Weeble-Wooble, all anyone knows is that he's annoying in a kind of adorably stupid way.

The Weeble-Wooblian Squirrel Choir:
This delightful bunch of intelligent squirrels were trained by Dawge when he was doing research on how to build a boat. They perform at most big Weeble-Wooblian gatherings, such as the Frikejerplurt Day frank-eating contest and Paul games, but they also do pay-per-view stage performances and world tours! The only complaint anyone has given is that they only sing Elvis songs.

I think that's it! Let me know if I missed anyone, but until next time, sTAy wEIrd! 

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