Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Dawge #35! Fly's Expedition! (40)

Three months ago, Fly's mother promised him that if he found definite proof of a Ningen, she would buy him a Game-Playing Station 4. Since she had said that, Fly had gathered the things he'd need for a trip to Japan, some enthusiastic  cryptozoologists, and gone to eastern Japan. This is the logbook that he kept during his month-long expedition:

Day 1: Me and the crew have left the airport, and have checked into a hotel near the beach. Tomorrow, we are going to start searching for traces of Ningens at the beach and in shallow water.

Day 3: We were able to find a pice of thick, yellow skin. This almost definitely not a Ningen, but we will do DNA tests soon. John, a member of our crew, has found out a lot about the folklore and sightings of Ningens. Apparently they are sleek, white, and mermaid-shaped.

Day 7: We ran tests on the skin and were able to identify it as a strange mutated citrus. This might be a clue to finding a Ningen, but it doesn't fit anything we've heard about.

Day 18: WE FOUND SOMETHING! We had gone out to sea to lure a Ningen. When we got a bite, it was really strong, it took almost all of us to keep it from getting away. Eventually, it jumped out of the water, let go of the hook, and dove back down. It was yellow and circular with a giant, gaping maw with at least 85 teeth! We're coming back tomorrow to try to catch it again.

Day 19: Right as we were about to board our boat, we saw it washed up on the shore ... IT'S A LEMON! We started investigating, but as we got close, it lunged at us and made a deafening screech. There were thousands of ripples and bubbles in the water. Me and the crew ran as fast as we could but those monsters were too fast for most of us. We lost John and Steven.

Day 20: Me and what remains of the crew are hiding in a cave that's covered by vines. From what we saw, the creatures didn't have noses, so they shouldn't be able to find-

                              Is Fly gone? Find out February 6th!

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